both and同义句转换_both and的同义词

百度试题题目both ……and的同义词是英语相关知识点: 解析例如both jim and tom are brave(勇敢的)=jim is brave,tom is brave ,too=jim is brave ,so is tom 反馈收藏both and同义词not only是什么。but also 意思都是:既是什么。且是什么。/;不但是什么。而且

例如both jim and tom are brave(勇敢的)=jim is brave,tom is brave ,too=jim is brave ,so is tom 分析总结。and的同义词是英语扫码下载作业帮拍照答疑一拍即得答案是什么。最佳答案:both I and he like swimming now 改为同义句Both us like swimming now. or we are in fond of swimming now.最佳答案:1 as well 2 living 3 What 等我继续说。

相似问题 on both sides of 同义短语both ……and的同义词是both and同义词特别推荐 热点考点 2022年高考真题试卷汇总2022年高中期中试卷汇总2022年高还有呢?both jim and tom are brave(勇敢的)=jim is brave,tom is brave ,too =jim is brave ,so is 好了吧!

同义句转换的九种类型 第3页共4页 八、运用关联连词连接或合并句子即运用关联连词both…and…neither…nor…either…or…not only…but also…等将两个简单句合并为等会说。both ……and的同义词是英语优质解答例如both jim and tom are brave(勇敢的)=jim is brave,tom is brave ,too=jim is brave ,so is tom 参考答案与解析本题小发猫。


