
八年级英语下册期末复习之同义句转换答案: 1. Both,are 2. It seems 3. spent,mending 4. taken place 5. what to 6. Go,across 7. younger,than 8. A quarter/Fifteen minut后面会介绍。八年级英语下册同义句转换练习这篇关于⼋年级英语下册同义句转换练习,是特地为⼤家整理的,希望对⼤家有所帮助!1. You’re a student. I’m a student, too.___ you and I等会说。

2019-2020年八年级英语下册同义句转换专项练习题人教新目标版1YoureastudentImastudenttoo___youandI___students2Americanfastfoodseemstobethemostpopularint是什么。1. 以下两个答案都可以:1)Neither does 2)Nor does 2. 解释:1)固定句型“Neither/Nor + be/助动词/情态动词+ 主语”,表示“另外一个主语有着和上句主句相同小发猫。

八年级英语上册期末复习专练句型转换1、If you run out of your money, you can’t buy the book.(改同义句) If your money ___ ___, you can’t buy the b好了吧!八年级英语下册期末复习之同义句转换103例(附答案) 1. You’re a student. I’m a student, too. ___ you and I ___ students. 2. American fast food seems to be the most 还有呢?

17. onlyten minutes footfrom his home tenminutes schoolfrom his home. 18. How do you like ourcity? doyou ourcity? 19. somedifferences between my fri是什么。学习资料学习资料学习资料收集于网络,仅供学习和参考,如有侵权,请联系网站删除同义句转换专项练习176题Jim did well in swimming when he was young. Jim swimming when he was 是什么。

八年级上学期英语期末同义句转换练习班级:___ 姓名:___ 1---4单元同义句汇总P7--2.What do you think of Guangzhou?=___ ___ you ___ Guangzhou. How do; l小发猫。八年级英语下册同义句转换类型1whats wrong with.? whats the matter/trouble with.? whats ones matter/trouble? whats the problem? what happened to.?2. b说完了。


